Thursday, February 28, 2008

Touching Spirit Bear Reflection

What is the most significant theme from the novel? Explain why it is significant. Read and respond to at least one other classmate. Remember a theme is not a summary of events.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Inherit the Wind Reflection #3

Choose the two most important themes from the play and explain why they are significant. Read and respond to at least one other classmate. Remember a theme is not a summary of events.

Friday, February 22, 2008

2/25/08 Enriched Language Arts

This week we will finish Inherit the Wind. You will take a test on the play. In addition to completing the play, you should continue to work on quarter reading.

2/25/08 Language Arts

This week we will finish reading Touching Spirit Bear. You will take a test on the novel and write a multiple paragraph essay about the book. In addition to completing the book, you should continue to study common root vocabulary and work on quarter reading.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Inherit the Wind Reflection #2

Write a 1 paragraph response to the following: “The character I most agree with/understand is_______________ because…” (Use text to back up your answer.) Then read and respond to 2-3 of your classmates. Try to find entries that are about different characters.

Friday, February 8, 2008

2/11/08 Enriched Language Arts

We will continue reading Inherit the Wind. Make sure to work on your quarter reading assignment outside of class.

2/11/08 Language Arts

This week we will continue reading Touching Spirit Bear. We will also study Greek and Latin Roots. Remember to continue working on your quarter reading assignment.

Inherit the Wind Reflection #1

After the class discussion about Hornbeck’s speech on page 34, write a several sentence response to the following:

Choose 1 technological item (TV, pager, internet, cell phone, etc.) and discuss how it has helped
or hurt society. (Has it helped our society progress?)

Then react to one other response. Try to find a topic different than the idea you wrote about. Happy blogging!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2/4/08 Enriched Language Arts

This week we will begin reading Inherit the Wind. You should also be working on your quarter reading assignment.

2/4/08 Language Arts

This week we will begin reading the novel Touching Spirit Bear. During this unit we will also review Greek and Latin root vocabulary. Be prepared for quizzes about once a week. In addition to reading Touching Spirit Bear, you should be reading a piece of ficiton for quarter reading.